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In this installment of the February Room, musician David Alexander ( aka the Dirtball) recounts a harrowing tale of a horse mane mixup on the river.While we can’t argue with David Alexander’s recollection of events that occurred on the John Day River 20-some years ago, involving an errant backcast followed…
READ MORE...Fly fishing is a game of uncertainty, but embarking on a northern pike mission to a Canadian lake is a pretty safe bet. Destination fly fishing is a crapshoot with the only guarantee being that dollars, effort, and time will be expended. There’s a laundry list of intangibles between boarding…
READ MORE...In this week’s episode of The February Room, we talk Alaskan streamer fishing with Linda Leary, and no such discussion is complete without paying homage to the quintessential marabou pattern for multiple species, the Popsicle. The brainchild of renowned angler George Cook, the Popsicle is a simple creation of marabou…