Flies from “The February Room” Podcast-Episode 10-Alaskan Streamer Fishing with Linda Leary, The Popsicle.

In this week’s episode of The February Room, we talk Alaskan streamer fishing with Linda Leary, and no such discussion is complete without paying homage to the quintessential marabou pattern for multiple species, the Popsicle.

George Cook concocted the Popsicle in the early 80’s

The brainchild of renowned angler George Cook, the Popsicle is a simple creation of marabou and flash, and scary effective anywhere fish swim. Tied on a size 2-6 steelhead hook (such as Daiichi 2421 or Tiemco 7999) the Popsicle is created by wrapping marabou stork feathers over tinsel body and sprinkling in a little flashabou. The Popsicle can be tied in damn near any color combination and weighted with a bead or cone. Here is a very detailed step-by-step video on tying the Popsicle.https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=popsicle+fly&docid=607989363932990948&mid=6EAD3087900D6A1866856EAD3087900D6A186685&view=detail&FORM=VIRE