Up North, Wisconsin.

There are still some regions where a guy with a fly rod is an anomaly. The locals are surprised, nearly shocked, when a goofball outsider “limp wristing” actually finds success.

Among my favorite fly fishing destinations is a little known town in Wisconsin, adjacent a well-known town famous for a particular member of the Esox genus renowned for elusiveness and immense proportions…and for leading the afflicted down the path of financial and marital ruin. Permit and steelhead have driven me to the brink of lunacy, but the muskellunge pitied my naivety, and, thanks to the Hayward Fly Fishing Company, I had a thrilling encounter on my first day.

On rivers reminiscent of western trout streams, a Dahlberg Diver attracts plenty of attention from muskies, football-sized smallies, and ravenous pike.

The lake fishing opportunities are endless and I haven’t even ventured into the Superior tributary bounty of steelhead and behemoth browns. But Up North, its really all about relaxation, and some days I just like to kick back and watch someone else do the fishing.