Durability: The Most Important Fly Rod Quality.

Fly rods cast further and perform better than ever, but Karnopp believes durability is what sets great rods apart. The 90’s were a decade of hits and misses, we had Michael Jordan in his prime while line-dancing was at its zenith. Steroid-fueled bats sent balls over the fence at a highly entertaining rate in big…

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Big Sky Backpacking-Small Trout, Big Rewards!

Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks estimates that anglers spend just a skosh over $900 million annually fishing in the Treasure State. That seems hard to fathom, until you pull into one of the boat ramps on the Bitterroot in March, or the Madison in June. An oft-repeated motivation for participation in fly fishing is the…

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Blue Ribbon Backwaters

We pulled off of the mainstem, plucked the 8-weight from the rod rack and entered the mouth of the slough. The demeanor in the boat morphed from jovial catch-and-release anglers to focused predators…we were hunting now. My friend and I spotted the fish at the same time and before I could speak, he made one…

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If You Want Something Done Right (or Wrong) Do it Yourself.

I haven’t heard all of the details yet, but I gather that a couple old fishing buddies of mine arranged for a helicopter to take them, a raft, and a Spartan camp into the Canadian Neverland on a summer steelhead extravaganza. The jealous bone began to ache when I heard the news that this mission…

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