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A lost dog, a problematic motor, teenagers on bath salts, and a knee-trembling encounter with a leviathanOur 13-year old Brittany, Skookum, picked a helluva’ time to go walkabout. Locked and loaded for pike camp, I’d just dropped our son off at school and swung by the hardware store to grab…
READ MORE...Like the famed tailwater below Flaming Gorge, the upper Green is trout fishing in high-definition. You could spot a penny on the river bottom at 20 feet. My first stint in college was at the University of Utah, and the Green River below Flaming Gorge is partially responsible for my…
READ MORE...On the second leg of our springtime adventure, the storm subsides and a fishing window opens up. Can we take advantage on a Wyoming tailwater known to harbor big browns? Wyoming’s North Platte had been on my radar since I’d produced a television show on the river in absentia circa…