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Though Peter doesn’t tie flies anymore, we pump out dozens of these bugs for him for Spring stonefly hatches.This little dry fly floats, is visible and the fish love it during the Spring stonefly hatches in Western Montana. Tied on a #8 dry fly hook, the body is purple/black foam…
READ MORE...Intrepid DIY saltwater angler Dave Cook has invested his life exploring skinny waters and this fly is the genesis of his vast experience. “Skinny Waters” is the name of Dave Cook’s travel business and the perfect moniker from a guy that loves ankle-deep flats. “Bahamas bonefish love legs, but if…
READ MORE...In Episode 3, Lauren finally got this 20-year veteran of outdoor television to talk and share his go-to bug for pike-on-the-fly When Bill Owens isn’t traversing the globe videoing and producing outdoor television, he chases pike throughout his home waters of Montana. He’s a no-nonsense guy and fisherman, and this…